Course : Process Com®, Introduction

improving your social skills

Process Com®, Introduction

improving your social skills
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Though the fact of communicating well depends on the content of the messages, it is chiefly a matter of processes. The tool Process Com® will enable you to better understand the way you work and how you react under stress, to benefit from your internal resources and thereby improve the quality of your relationship skills on the job and in general. This course alternates theoretical learning and multiple practical scenarios to enable you progress in your communication, whatever type of person you're speaking to.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. PCE
Price : 2060 CHF E.T.
  3d - 21h00

Though the fact of communicating well depends on the content of the messages, it is chiefly a matter of processes. The tool Process Com® will enable you to better understand the way you work and how you react under stress, to benefit from your internal resources and thereby improve the quality of your relationship skills on the job and in general. This course alternates theoretical learning and multiple practical scenarios to enable you progress in your communication, whatever type of person you're speaking to.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Identify the structure of your personality and the way you work
  • Developing communication suited to the six personality types
  • Recognize specific reactions in a stress situation
  • Apply management styles based on the six types
  • Develop constructive, assertive communication

Intended audience
Anyone wishing to improve their agility in dealing with others.

No particular knowledge.

Course schedule

Knowing yourself better and understanding how you work

  • Fundamentals and applications of the Process Com® model in the relationship with others.
  • Characteristics of the six personality types and their communication processes.
  • The principle of personality structure: combinations of the six personality types.
  • Discovering and analyzing your own structure through the personality inventory.
  • How your personality structure influences your behavior.
  • Basic concepts and phases of Process Com®.
Hands-on work
Discover your personality inventory to understand your relationship dynamics. Exercises on the recognition of different languages.

Learning to start relationships with different people

  • Developing your listening and observation skills to adapt your posture and communication.
  • Using the five behavioral indicators: words, tone, facial expressions, postures, gestures.
  • Understanding the basics of communication and the different levels involved: content, process, meaning.
  • Selecting the right communication channel based on the personality type of the person you’re talking to.
  • Using the various indicators to identify the most appropriate communication channel.
  • Knowing and practicing different communication channels
Hands-on work
Detect and use the different communication channels to better understand the other person and be better understood. Interview, filmed or not, with the various personality types.

How to motivate and create the conditions for leadership

  • Exploring the psychological needs (motivational levers) of each of the six personality types in Process Com®.
  • Knowing how to define and recognize the positive and negative needs of other people.
  • How to satisfy the needs expressed and detected by using the right channel and the right language.
  • Different management styles and how to adapt to the person you’re speaking to.
Hands-on work
Scenarios based on an employee motivation meeting. Adapt motivating communication to meet the needs expressed and/or detected. Analysis in breakout groups and feedback in full session.

Detecting and getting out of stressful situations

  • Telling apart different manifestations of stress.
  • Understanding the link between stress and performance.
  • Discovering and incorporating the three degrees of stress in Process Com®.
  • Evaluating the foreseeable behaviors of the six personality types under stress.
  • Identifying situations which, in and of themselves, are sources of stress.
  • Incorporating the notions of masks and drivers.
  • Adapting your response to the degree of stress and your personality type.
Hands-on work
Analysis of the different personality types and their behavior under stress using film clips. Studying a management case in sub-groups.

Restoring a fluid relationship and quality interactions

  • How to give criticism or say no based on the other people's personality type.
  • Restoring communication by using different action tools: Channel, language, need.
  • Being able to give feedback, or announce good or bad news.
  • Making yourself heard by the person you’re talking to.
Hands-on work
Scenarios: Know how to communicate in tense situations (critical feedback, reframing, breaking bad news during a team meeting, and any other context brought by the participants). Training about different personality types.

Setting up a personal growth plan using Process Com®

  • Making the connection between core qualities and pitfalls.
  • Deducing the core "challenge" related to your personality structure.
  • Building an action plan to improve your relationship agility.
  • Deciding on actions to implement on a daily basis to improve your growth and relationship agility.
Hands-on work
Individual brainstorming: Building a personal action plan. Commit to your areas of progress. Group discussions on where the Process Com® model can be useful and the changes they can generate in one's relationships with others.

Practical details
Hands-on work
Using the video (examples of behavior for the six personality types). Alternating between theory and case studies. The last day of the course is largely devoted to hands-on work.
Teaching methods;
Active learning based on discussions, the debriefing of one's personality inventory by a Kahler-accredited communication consultant, practical exercises, role-playing, and evaluation throughout the training.

Customer reviews
4,8 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
From 26 to 28 August 2024
Remote class
From 18 to 20 September 2024
Remote class
From 14 to 16 October 2024 *
Remote class
Guaranteed session
From 27 to 29 November 2024
Remote class
From 11 to 13 December 2024 *
Remote class
Guaranteed session