Course : Developing your employees’ skills

Developing your employees’ skills

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This course provides you with the know-how and soft skills essential for implementing an employee support approach. You define a concrete action plan for developing skills within your team and create the conditions necessary for its success.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. DCO
Price : 1530 CHF E.T.
  2d - 14h00

This course provides you with the know-how and soft skills essential for implementing an employee support approach. You define a concrete action plan for developing skills within your team and create the conditions necessary for its success.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Establish a climate of trust and use recognition as a motivating tool
  • Identify the potential and level of maturity of your employees to delegate a mission
  • Translate skill development priorities into objectives
  • Explain and get everyone to adhere to the objectives
  • Develop skills transfers between team members

Intended audience
Team managers, anyone seeking to structure their practice.

Management knowledge.

Course schedule


  • Skills development, a challenge for the company.
  • Skills development, a challenge for the manager.
Hands-on work
Theoretical insights and exercises in sub-groups.

Prompting employee improvement by focusing on their behaviours

  • Listen to your employees.
  • Create a climate of trust that encourages dialogue.
  • Use recognition as a motivating tool.
  • Practice giving feedback. Allow everyone to improve.
  • Support your team by playing the right role.
Hands-on work
Role plays to establish a climate of trust within a team and provide feedback to employees. Personalised delivery.

Developing your employees’ skills

  • Identify your employees' potential and level of maturity.
  • The different stages of the professional interview.
  • Delegation as a means of developing skills.
  • Involve the employee in developing his or her skills.
  • Manage difficulties.
Hands-on work
Role plays to practice the different stages of the professional interview and delegation. Personalised delivery.

Anticipate the development of skills within a team

  • Step back from the current mode of operation of a team or project.
  • Define skills development priorities.
  • Translate these priorities into objectives.
  • Explain these objectives to employees.
  • Get everyone on board with the objectives.
Hands-on work
Individual simulations based on real-life cases to define skills development priorities within your team.

Setting up a team development plan

  • Develop skills transfers between team members.
  • Develop a situation of interdependence within a team and between teams.
  • Motivate your employees.
  • Develop an action plan for your team.
Hands-on work
Working in sub-groups on best practices. Group feedback and discussion. Developing an individual action plan, personalising recommendations.

Practical details
Hands-on work
This highly interactive course is based on multiple exercises and role-playing scenarios with individualised feedback and analysis.

Customer reviews
4,5 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
From 10 to 11 October 2024
Remote class